“Know Your Awareness’s” in Cordova

By Published On: January 26, 20211.4 min read

This year, the Cordova Family Resource Center (CFRC) youth group, Believe It Or Not I Care (B.I.O.N.I.C), created five monthly awareness events covering a variety of important topics for youth. January focused on Bullying and Respect, Teen Dating Violence (TDV) in February, Mental Health/Depression/Suicide in March, Sexual Assault/ Healthy Relationships in April, and Substance Abuse in May. Every month, the youth produced a radio PSA on the topic, which included resources and information. To encourage youth participation in the school-based events, B.I.O.N.I.C. gave raffle tickets to all participants for an end-of-year drawing. The youth chose themes for the three prize baskets – Art, Technology, and Outdoors– which worked as an effective incentive to increase youth participation.

In January, B.I.O.N.I.C. youth hosted a Teen Night at the Youth Center with a jeopardy-style bullying prevention game. The teens were very engaged and had lots of spirited conversations. During Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month in February, B.I.O.N.I.C. hosted an interactive game at the high school on healthy and unhealthy relationships.

BIONIC youth program President Jessica Wray, left, runs a game designed to raise awareness of teen dating violence. (Feb. 12, 2020) Photo courtesy of Emily Stoddard and posted to the Cordova Times.

Throughout the five months, B.I.O.N.I.C. shared local and national resources and information about healthy relationships and encouraged teens to build a relationship with the school counselor.

Follow B.I.O.N.I.C. on Facebook to learn more!


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